A Young Filipino Player who plays mania 4K, 5K, 6K, 7K, and barely 8K
I play everyday to improve my skills and to reach atleast Top 150 in both 4K/7K in my country (Philippines)
I like mapping some of my type of music in osu!mania, I'm looking forward to map a better and on beat music that'll make you feel the rhythm much more.
I also play guitar aswell as piano (still learning LOL)
I named myself as "- Innocent -", this reflects to myself as the peace maker in reality.
As the time passes, I changed it to "John Titor" which is a character in a fiction story of a time traveler in real life. I'm the person who really likes time travel stories, anime, manga, movies, etc.. Im the very first osu! player to ever use this name and it makes me feel to be one of the unique players.